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심리철학 참고자료


  • 물리주의 (작성중)


물리주의 외부링크  ▼

  1. Token-Identity and Minimal Materialism

  2. Physicalism

  3. Eliminative Materialism

  4. Qualia: The Knowledge Argument


Physicalism (152 | 58)Andreas Elpidorou


Formulating Physicalism* (123)Gabriel Oak Rabin

Causal Closure of the Physical (72)David Spurrett

Nonreductive Materialism* (179)John Donaldson

Supervenience and Physicalism* (63)Jessica Wilson

Physicalism about the Mind* (1,186 | 368)István Aranyosi

Speculative Materialism* (95)

Materialist Feminism* (13)

Physicalism, Misc (22)




  • 심신인과 (작성중)


심신인과 외부링크 ▼


  1. Mental Causation

  2. philpapers : 인과적 폐쇄성


Varieties of Causation (395 | 101)Sara Bernstein


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